29 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi


life depends on love,
love depends on trust,
trust depends on heart,
heart depends on only you.

* * * * *

I Love you with the breath,
the smiles,
and the tears of all my life.

* * * * * *

Flovers are just like clock needles.
every hour they should meet each other.
if they don’t meet for long days,
they go dead, makes ur watch useless

* * * * *

love is a ever living heart,
no matter how hard u break it,
so long it will live for more generation.

love text for wife

i love you

To live this life I need a heartbeat,
to have a heartbeat I need a heart,
to have a heart I need happiness,
and to have happiness I need you!

* * * * *

In the arithmetic of love,
1+1= Everything

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God created a perfect world,
Man made it imperfect by selfishness,
Selfishness colored our outlook,
Selfless love will make it perfect again…

* * * * *

When you love someone,
automatically you will start,
caring that person….
You have a hope,
like she specially made for you.
that caring is,
Hope in Love…

* * * * *

It doesn’t matter how many years pass by, the flight of our love will always fly high. I love you.

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You’ve made my imperfections seem perfect and all my shortcomings appear complete. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to thank you for everything you’ve done. But I promise, I’ll never stop trying. I love you.

* * * * *

Fights and arguments, ups and downs. Hugs and kisses, smiles and frowns. We’ll sail through it all together, not just now but forever. I love you.

* * * * *

when your love has magic,
then I will not have tragic,
our life will be static,
darling I love ur magic.

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love is like lightning thunder,
will hit b4 u wonder,
after strike u have 2 surrender,
b caution when u met any tender

* * * * *

your love makes other winner,
your care makes other live long,
your eyes makes other vision clear,
your words makes many successor.

* * * * *

You are the foundation of my life
You are the one from where I start and where I end.
Without you in my life
I am a rose without smell,
a pond without water,
a sky without stars,
I can’t take a breath without taking one for you.
You are the air I breathe,
you are the touch I feel,
you are life I seek
you complete me.
You are my heaven on earth,
without you I am a soul without existence
you’re my world
my universe
my life.

* * * * *

Love is when you don’t want to
go to sleep
cz reality is better than a dream

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As I lay down the cards in the game of solitaire. I see the king and queen of hearts side by side, I remember you and me and how you left me for the jack of hearts.

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As you admire the wonderful things God has made today, remember you’re one of them – wonderful inside and out. You’re blessed. You’re special. You’re loved.

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My love for you is like a delightful mix of addiction, dependency, need and obsession.


People get high on tequila shots, while I get high on you. I love you.

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Our wedding hasn’t drastically flipped my life upside down. But it has definitely become free of frowns. I love you.
* * * * *
* * * * *cute love messages, cute love quotes, cute love text messages, flirty love messages, i love you messages, i love you text messages, love, Love Messages, Love Messages for her, love sms, love texts, love words,

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