19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe

Jumma Mubarak, Jumma Messages, Jumma Mubarak Tumblr, Jumma Mubarak Quotes Tumblr, Jumma Mubarak messages Tumblr, Juma Mubarak İmages

“A Muslim is he from whose tongue and hands other Muslims are safe.” (Bukhari)
Jummah Mubarak!

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“When one of you meets his brother he should say Salam to him” (Abu Dawud)
Jummah Mubarak!

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Allah does not love those who spoil and make trouble.
Then, we must altogether protect our peace, our unity and togetherness, our brotherhood and relationship.
Juma Kareem !...

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If only humanity had known Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), they would have fallen in love with him as Majnun fell in love with Layla. Whenever his name is mentioned, they would tremble with joy in anticipation of entering the ethos that surrounds him and those following his way wholeheartedly
Jummah Mubarak!

The closest that a servant of God is to his Lord is while he is prostrating,
jummah mubarak!

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How close a person will be to God is determined in accordance with the degree of his modesty and humility.
jummah mubarak!

Jumma mubarak tumblr

Advise the people to avoid missing the Jum’ah prayer, because if they neglect it Allaah will place a seal over their hearts .Then they will be among the heedless
Jummah Mubarak!

jummah messages, jumma mubarak tumblr images

There is an hour on Friday when the servant stands, prays and asks Allaah  for something it is given to him
Jummah mubarak!

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Giving Sadaqah on Friday is better than giving it on any other day of the week
Jummah mubarak!

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Verily today is an ‘Eid which Allaah has decreed for the Muslims. So whoever comes for the Prayer must perform a ghusl…
Jummah mubarak!

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Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumu’ah prayer) and does not separate two people sitting together (in the masjid), then prays as much as (Allaah has) written for him and remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven.
Jummah mubarak!

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Any Muslim who dies on Friday Allaah will protect him from the trials of the grave
Jummah mubarak!

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When You Are In Trouble,
Don’t Ever Say,”hey God!,
I Have Big Problem” Instead Say,
Hey Problem, I Have Big God!
And Everything Will Be Fine….
Have A Beautiful Friday!

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The Masjids Are Free But Empty
The Clubs Are Paid But Full.
It’s Free To Enter Heaven.
Costly To Enter Hell.
Can We Be Wise???
Jumma Mubarak!

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Dear Almight! Lead Us to the Right Path!
Jummah Mubarak!

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Our Lord !
Verily We Have Heard The Call Of One
(Mohammed SAW) Calling To Faith:
‘Believe In Your Lord And We Have 
Believed In Ours’.
Forgive Us From Our Sins And RemitFrom Our Evil Deeds
Jumma Mubarak.

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Nelghbors Rights In Islam
Prophet Muhammad(SAW) Said That
He Is Not A Believer Whose Neighbor
Is Not Safe From His Annoyance...
Jumma Mubarak

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Islam Says...
When The Time Of Juma Prayer Comes,
Discontinue Every Activity
And Answer The 
Call To Prayer,
Meet Earnestly,Pray,
Consult And Learn By Social Contact,
And When The Meeting Is Over...
Scatter And Go About Ur Business…
Jumma Mubarak...

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Whoever Reads Surah-Al Kahf On Jumma,
Allah Promises He Would Have Light
In His Life That Shines
From One Friday To Next.
I Wish You Too Have The Same
With Blessings Through Out The Week.

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“The young should say Salam to the old, the passer-by to the one sitting and the small-group to the large one” (Bukhari)
Jummah Mubarak!

Jumma Mubarak Tumblr

A Person Asked Allah’s Messenger
(May Please And Blessings Be Upon Him)
Who Among Muslims Was Better.Upon This Hand And Tongue,
Muslims Are Safe Under The Arms Of Allah.
Jumma Mubarak.

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The Best Day On Which
The Sun Has Risen Is Friday.
Allah Created Aadam On It,
Made To Enter Into Paradise,
And Was Expelled To It.
And The Last Day Will Take Place
None Other Than On Friday.

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May Our Deeds Attract Allah’s Love,
Noor And Barakah To Have Our Lives
Filled With Happiness,
Freedom And To Be Saved From Calamities,
I Wish You A Heart-Full Jumma Mubarak
To Achieve Such Deeds.

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Jumma Mubarak SMS
The fact that you are able to make supplication
is already a sign of God’s mercy to you.
Jumaa Kareem Mubarak!

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Sometimes Allah Fills Our Eyes With Tears
He Makes Our Eyes Washed Once In A While
So That We Can See Life With A Good Vision Again
Jumma Mubarak

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Do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are indeed believers.
Jumma Mubarak!

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None of you should court death but only hoping good from Allah.
Jumma Mubarak!

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Indeed, with hardship, there is ease...
Jumma Mubarak!

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May the Almighty never spare us the abundance and power of prayer. May He grant us to be among the happy ones whose prayers are answered.
Jumma Mubarak!

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Today, both as a nation and as the world of Islam we are going through similar difficulties that our Prophet and the early Muslims who accepted him did. Evil is surrounding us and the entire humanity every passing day. They are trying to put fear in our hearts and weaken us with terror and violence. And the biggest danger we believers must avoid in these times of hardship is to lose hope. To be in discord. To lose unity and togetherness. To give up protecting the brotherhood and being hope to the oppressed.
Jumma Mubarak!

have a blessed jumma

We are the believers of the same religion, the same book, the same prophet as we are the children of the same country, the same culture, and the same history.
The best answer from our nation to evil, violence, and terror is to close the ranks and embrace one another more than ever. To renew the oath of brotherhood. To never allow the discord and sedition they want to instill into our hearts.
Jumma Mubarak!

we are the followers of a religion that forbids despair. We are the ummah of a prophet that never lost hope for the future no matter the circumstances...
Jumma Mubarak!...

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May He grant us power, strength, and fortitude against those who target our future and independence.
May He set us straight on His path. May He always grant us His help, mercy, grace, and protection against the deniers.
Jumma Mubarak!

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* * * * *Jumma Mubarak, Jumma Messages, Jumma Mubarak Tumblr, Jumma Mubarak Quotes Tumblr, Jumma Mubarak messages Tumblr, Juma Mubarak

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